Marta Ranieri


Marta Ranieri is working with Dr W. Faedi, an Italian breeder, and with the Italian strawberry team in CRA-Unit of Research for the fruit culture in Forlì ITALY since September 2006. Her job is centered on the chemical-physical and nutritional determination of the fruit quality upon destructive and non destructive analysis.

She obtained a degree in Science and Food Technology at the University of Bologna in 2003. Her thesis subject was the functional and physiological modifications in Escherichia coli caused by ambiant stresses. She attended a master in “agrifood hygiene, HACCP and Quality system” at the University of Parma in 2006-2007. She is now attending a pHD in Horticulture at the University of Bologna in order to study the different nutritional compositions between strawberry just harvested and post-harvested. In order to do so, she is presently in Canada for a three months training, under the supervision of Dr Shahrokh Khanizadeh..

Marta Ranieri
CRA-FRF-Unità di ricerca per la Frutticoltura di Forlì
Unità di Ricerca per la Frutticoltura - Forlì
Via La Canapona, 1 bis 
Magliano - 47100 Forlì (FC) - ITALY
 Professor in charge of the follow-up of training course:
 Educational responsible in charge of practical training: Shahrokh Khanizadeh