Roycourt Rémi

Project: Development of a web application to promote and organize a conference on horticulture which will be held in 2011 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Rémi Roycourt is studying computer sciences at the IUT Paris Descartes (Paris 5) and finishes actually the DUT Information option computer engineering. He was at the HRDC for 3 months.
Summary of his work:
 The goal of his work was to improve the organization, time management and productivity of the organizers of the Halifax conference. His work was structured in three steps:
  • Technical specifications (choice of language PHP, of the data base MySQL, …) and operational specifications (deployment of a hierarchy in the validation of the scientific abstracts, …) that he proposed when arriving at HRDC:
  • Pure development of the functionality of the application:
    • For the classic users: system for registration, submission of scientific abstracts, display of contents, etc…
    • For the administrators: validation of scientific abstracts, management of the organizations, users and access, etc…
  • Development of other programs:
    • Record holder: internet application totally portable permitting certified users to access a complete sorted list of the documents put on line by the administrator;
    • Photograph case: application totally self-supporting which performs a recursive listing of all photographs present in an assembly of directories and permits restrained access to users so they can visualize miniature photographs.
Final tests (operation, loading, integration) and start of output of the internet site available at the address:
Contact information:
46, rue de Paris
92100 Boulogne Billancourt, France
IUT Paris Descartes
143 avenue de Versailles 75016 paris, France