Claudine Lanteigne Dubé


In 1975, Claudine Lanteigne Dubé graduated from the University of Moncton, NB, with a BSc in Biology and Biochemistry. She worked for Cosmair Canada as a quality control technician on capillary and cosmetic products, from 1976-1980. In 1981, she worked at Kellogg Salada, in Montreal, as a sensory technician for tea products. From 1983-1985, she worked for the Ministère de l’Environnement du Québec as a technician, doing bioassays using algae, daphnia and microtox as indicators of pollution in residuals waters as well as in beaches, lakes, etc… In 1988, Claudine started to work as a laboratory technician, on the chemistry of milk products, at the Central Experimental Farm of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), in Ottawa. In 1995, she was transferred at the AAFC-Food Research and Development Centre (FRDC), in St-Hyacinthe. She then returned to school, at the University of Montreal, in order to receive academical training in Microbiological sciences. She did microbiology and molecular biology assays for meat quality assurance, from 1996 through 2004. In 2003, under a grant from the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), she did a 10 weeks workshop at the Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Technología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco (CIATEJ), in Guadalajara, Mexico, to investigate on the use of essential oil of oregano as antifungal in meat products. In 2004, she was transferred in the fermentation sector of FRDC, working on kimchi, garlic flower, sauerkraut and other possible fermented products. April 2008, she joined Dr. Khanizadeh’s team, at the AAFC-Research and Development Center on Horticulture (CRDH), as a research assistant on strawberries and other horticultural products. Email:


Homogenizer SLA    


Scientific revues under reading committee

Emmons, D.B., Dubé, C., Modler, H.W. 2003. Transfer of Protein from Milk to Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science. 86 :469-485.

Dussault, F., Dubé, C., Morris, J., Squires, E.J., Houde, A. 2000. Microbial Growth on Porcine Meat Containing Different 16-androstene Steroids Levels. Lebensm.-Wiss. U.-Technol., 33, 239-243.


Conference deliberation

Saucier, L., Gariépy, C., Champagne, C., Austin, J., Lemay, M.-J., Leblanc, C., Dubé, C., Durand, N., Choquette, J., Paupério, J.E., Courchesne, D.,  Morneau, C. 2001. Développement d’un produit de viande stable à température de la pièce. Atelier Impacts du verglas de 1998: leçons et nouvelles connaissances. Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, 27 Févier, St-Hyacinthe.

Confidential industrial report

Leblanc, C., Lemay, M.-J., Saucier, L., Dubé C., Gariépy, C. 2000. Mise au point d’une technique de fabrication d’un saucisson pour alimentation animale. Groupe Exceldor Coopérative Agricole. 53 p.


Poster presentation at scientific congress

 Saucier, Linda, Vasquez, Noemi Obledo, Lugo Cervantes, Eugenia, Dubé, Claudine. 2004. Antimicrobial activity of Essential Oils of Oregano and Lime against Meatborne Fungi.  84ème Congrès Annuel du Conseil des Viandes du Canada, Calgary, Alberta.

Saucier, Linda, Gagné, Marie-Josée, Dubé, Claudine. 2003. Antimicrobial effect of various essential oils against meat-borne microorganisms. 83ème Congrès Annuel du Conseil des Viandes du Canada. 4-5 février, Québec, Québec.

Saucier, Linda et Dubé, Claudine. 2001. Comparison of the Chelating Agents EDTA, Gluconic Acid and Citric Acid to Improve the Efficiency of Nisin towards Escherichia coli. Réunion Fédérale sur la Recherche Relative à la Salubrité des Aliments, Ottawa, Ontario.

Houde A., Dussault F., Dubé C., Morris J., Squires E.J. 2000. Microbial growth on porcine meat containing different levels of 16-androstene steroids.  Réunion du Groupe d’intérêt en innocuité alimentaire lors de la réunion du Réseau des aliments, Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, 28 et 29 septembre, St-Hyacinthe, Québec.

Houde A., Dussault F.,Dubé C., Morris J., Squires E.J. 1998. Microbial growth on porcine meat containing different levels of 16-androstene steroids.  Symposium annuel de l’association scientifique canadienne de la viande (ASCV), février, Banff, Alberta, Canada.                                       

Recognition of the technical contribution (Acknowledgements)

Emmons, D.B., Tulloch, D., Ernstrom, C.A. 1990. Product-Yield Pricing System. 1. Technological Considerations in Multiple-Component Pricing of Milk. J.Dairy Sci., 73:1712-1723.

Emmons, D.B., Tulloch, D., Ernstrom, C.A., Morisset, M., Barbano, D. 1990. Product-Yield Pricing System. 2. Plant Considerations in Multiple-Component Pricing of Milk. J. Dairy Sci., 73:1724-1733.

Saucier, L., Moineau, S.,  Fairbrother, J.M. 2001. Host range of bacteriophages on pathogenic Escherichia coli of human and animal origin: Prologue to phage therapy. Symposium annuel de l’Association scientifique canadienne de la viande (ASCV), 7 Février, Vancouver.