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On-Farm Strawberry Variety Trials in Ontario: 2004 Results
A New non destructive rapid Method to select Strawberry lines rich in polyphenols
Arbuscular mycorrhiza improves growth of strawberry cultivars grown under salinity
Nutrient Uptake of Selected Strawberry Cultivars in Response to Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi under Salinity
The effect of three production of ‘Orléans’ systems on the postharvest quality and phytochemical composition of Orléans strawberry
SJP84 - Dwarf Winter Hardy Apple Rootstocks
SJM -Winter Hardy Apple Rootstock Series
Characterization of lignin isolated from stone cells of ‘Dangshansuli’ pear native to China
Phenolic Compositions and Antioxidant Activities of Newly Developed Day-neutral Strawberry Lines
Antioxidant Capacity and Phenolic Composition of Newly Developed June Bearing Strawberry Lines From BC and QC
‘O3A’ Apple Rootstock
Distribution of phenolic and antioxidant capacity of strawberry fruit parts
Browning Index of New Apple Genotypes Developed for Fresh-cut and Processing
Effect of differents plastic mulches on yield and fruit quality of strawberry plants grown under high tunnels
Impact of dehydration on the bioactive compounds of ‘Redfield’ apples
SJM - Winter Hardy Apple Rootstock Series Winter Hardy Apple Rootstock Series
Impact of dehydration on the bioactive compounds of ‘Redfield Redfield’ apples
Antioxidant activities of newly developed day neutral and June bearing strawberry lines
Browning Potential of New Apple Varieties
'SuperMac' Apple
Clé des Champs strawberry
EdenTM, a non browning apple cultivar - no. 1
EdenTM, a non browning apple cultivar - no 2
EdenMC, un cultivar de pomme qui ne brunit pas - french version
‘Hanhong’ Pear - no. 1
‘Hanhong’ Pear - no. 2
Impact of morphological and physiological variations in strawberries (Fragaria) on resistance to the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris, and the efficacy of the egg parasitoid, Anaphes iole
Phenolic Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Selected Apple Genotypes
Phytochemical composition of selected apple lines for processing
Mycosphaerella fragariae pathogen affects on superoxide dismutase isoforms produced by strawberry cultivars
SODs Isoforms by Mycosphaerella fragariae Infection in Two Resistant and Susceptible Cultivars in Strawberry
'St-Jean d’Orléans' Strawberry
Saint-Pierre Strawberry
Three new winter hardy strawberry cultivars ‘Harmonie’, ‘Saint-Laurent d’Orléans’ and ‘St-Jean d’Orléans’
Total antioxidant capacity in selected day neutral and june bearing strawberries
Chlorophyll fluorescence: A new technique to screen for tolerance of strawberry flowers to spring frost
The use of a freezing bud technique to determine the hardiness of 20 grape genotypes
Roseberry & Rosalyne
Resistance of St. Jean-Morden and St. Jean series apple rootstocks to Erwinia amylovora
'UNIBASE' - A perfect tool for breeders & germplasm inventory
Growing grapes in cold climates
L’Authentique Orléans
Two new promising scab free apple selections originating from INRA, France
Two new scab resistant apple cultivars
The Quebec day-neutral strawberry breeding program
AC-Yamaska and AC-L'Acadie
Understory light and root ginsenosides in American ginseng cultivated in a broadleaf forest
Liens utiles | Carte du site | Recherche | Contacter nous Mise à jour: 04-01-2015