

Origin: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec.
Cultivar name: SJC7917-1
Test Code: SJC7917-1
Tree characteristics:
Flower characteristics:
Fruit characteristics: attractive, large to very large size, average 168.9 g, axial diameter 54-70 mm, transverse diameter 73-85 mm, globose to flat-globose frequently lob-sided, sometimes slightly ribbed but not usually; basin: fairly shallow to medium deep, fairly narrow to medium width, wavy to somewhat crowned; eye: large, open; calyx: downy, sepals persistent, mainly free at base, fairly short to medium length, erect to connivent, stamens visible and in basal position; cavity: acute, deep, medium width and lined with greenish-brown russet; stem: length is variable, fairly slender 1-2mm; core: in distant position, median attachment to the tube; skin: smooth, medium thick, 65-80% dense flecks of orange-red (RHS 179A) over a yellow (RHS 5D) becoming orange-yellow (RHS 14C) background with crimson red splashed and broken stripes (RHS 46A) overlaying the whole surface, scant bloom, medium number of small to intermediate size, white, round inconspicuous lenticels; flesh: yellowish color; maturity season: late.
Postharvest, storage: after 4 months of cold storage (2C°) fruit quality is good: juicy, crisp, soft (pressure test 5.2 kg); flavor: very pleasant, sweet, aromatic, fine textured, titratable acidity is 0.59%, soluble solids are high 14.1%; end use: good for fresh eating and for storage.
Other characteristics: Diseases and disorders: resistant to apple scab, no powdery mildew or fireblight detected in our orchards in Frelighsburg (Quebec).
Adaptation & availability: Good for Quebec and Eastern and Central Canada. A limited number of budwood is available from the breeder after signing a non-propagation agreement (only to universities and research stations).